Judson Labs has taken an industry standard chemical, an all-fiber rinse, to an advanced level of performance.
Judson Labs started out with a neutral rinse and added:
Oxygen for a final burst of cleaning ability and odor control
A drying agent to speed up drying time.
Even though agents were added to increase the speed and appearance level of your cleaning process, the carpet is still rinsed residue-free and leaves the carpet at the proper Ph.
O2 Oxygen Extraction is part of an integrated system, designed to extract carpet prespryaed with Judson O2 Oxygen Pre-Conditioner.
16 – 32 ounces to 5 gallons of water for truckmounts.
1 ounce to 5 gallons of water for portables.
To leave a pleasant fragrance and speed up drying time even more, use Judson Labs DD-12 Bio odor control as an after spray.
Advanced O2 Oxygen Extraction Agent:
Breaks Down Surface Tension
Rinses Carpet More Effectively
Lower Ph in the Carpet
Helps Control Odors
Prevents Browning
Helps Remove Soil
Brightens Carpet
Ph 7.0
The Judson O2 Rinse is the Industry’s first water purification system that uses chelate. The chelate binds the minerals and purifies the water.